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Source file: gather-and-scatter.fut

Gather and scatter

In vector programming, gather is an operation that takes a source array xs and an array of indexes is, and for each i in is produces the value xs[i]. Futhark does not have a dedicated gather function, but we can use a combination of map and array indexing to write our own.

def gather 'a (xs: []a) (is: []i32) =
  map (\i -> xs[i]) is

Scatter is an operation that writes (index,value)-pairs to some destination array. This is a primitive in Futhark, scatter, which is of type

val scatter 'a : (dest: *[]a) -> (is: []i32) -> (vs: []a) -> *[]a

The * before on the destination and return type is a uniqueness annotation. We can ignore it if the destination array we pass to scatter is always a fresh array created with replicate or copy:

def xs = scatter (replicate 7 0) [0, 2, 4, 6] [1, 2, 3, 4]

xs now has the value [1i32, 0i32, 2i32, 0i32, 3i32, 0i32, 4i32]. Of course, this particular value is better constructed using just map and iota. For a real use of scatter, see the radix sort example.

scatter ignores out-of-bounds writes. However, there is a risk of writing multiple values to the same index. This is only allowed if the same value is being written. For a related construct that can handle duplicate writes in other ways, see reduce_by_index.

See also

Scattering the result of a filter.