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An unavoidable performance regression

Posted on September 1, 2020 by Troels Henriksen

We try to make each new version of the Futhark compiler faster than the last. While we sometimes make mistakes, the the long-term trend is pretty good. Yesterday, however, we made a change that flat out makes some programs slower, without fixing any bugs. This post will serve as a bit of catharsis, and detail some of the less enjoyable parts of compiler development.

One of the early design flaws in Futhark is that all array sizes are 32 bit signed integers. This limits each array dimension to about two billion elements. Further, since the memory address space is ultimately one-dimensional (NUMA shenanigans notwithstanding), we must flatten multi-dimensional array indexing to a one-dimensional offset. If A is an array of type [n][m]i32 in row-major form, then the index expression A[i,j] will be flattened to A[i*m+j]. In Futhark, this multiplication and addition was done with 32-bit signed integers, which limited the total size in bytes of multi-dimensional arrays to 2GiB. This size restriction has not been a big problem in practice, as our main code generation target (GPUs) is fairly memory-constrained, so it is rare to have single arrays that are this large. But GPU memory banks are growing every year, so this will be a problem soon. Further, Minh Duc Tran is currently finishing up development on a multicore CPU code generation backend, which will make Futhark useful on more than just GPUs. On a CPU, an array larger than 2GiB is not exceptional. Therefore, we changed the code generator to use 64-bit integers when computing flat offsets when generating array indexes. This is just the initial step, and does not truly allow large arrays yet, but it’s a good place to start, and to begin to understand the performance ramifications.

So what are these performance ramifications? While 64-bit arithmetic operations possibly takes a little longer to perform, that’s not the concern. The main problem is that they require more registers. A modern GPU consists of what NVIDIA calls streaming multiprocessors (SMs). Other vendors have a similar design, but a different name. Each SM can run many threads (hundreds to thousands), which all share the same register bank. An NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti has 256KiB of registers on every SM. Each GPU thread is allotted a portion of this register bank. The size of this portion remains unchanged throughout the run-time of the thread, but can be set when the thread is first launched. This is different from CPUs, where the amount of registers available to a thread is an unchangeable hardware detail. However, the more registers each GPU thread needs, the fewer threads will be able to run at the same time. If a GPU thread needs too many registers, a compiler can perform spilling, where register contents are temporarily copied to memory and recovered later. This is exactly the same idea as on a CPU, but where CPU code can spill to the stack, which is readily cached using the deep and sophisticated cache hierarchy of a modern CPU, spilling to memory on a GPU can be quite expensive. This means that register pressure is a significant concern for GPU code, with sudden and somewhat unpredictable performance cliffs. Spilling is normally under the control of the GPU kernel compiler, which translates C-like GPU code to GPU machine code, but with some ability for the programmer to influence its behaviour.

Changing the array indexing code to use 64-bit integers will increase register pressure, which can (and does) have negative performance implications, but the details are highly sensitive to what else is happening in the program. Perhaps other parts are already register-hungry enough that the overall usage remains unchanged. The overall impact on Futhark-generated is difficult to quantify. While we have decent tools for reproducible benchmarking, our setup is not statistically robust enough to measure tiny fluctuations of a percent or two, which is in most cases the impact I would expect to see. But for a few programs, the impact of using 64-bit address calculations looks more significant.

One is OptionPricing, which for its largest dataset suffers a 23% slowdown on our NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti GPU. I did some investigation, and indeed the register usage of its single (very large) GPU kernel has gone up slightly. But here’s the interesting thing: the slowdown only appears with the OpenCL backend. With Futhark’s CUDA backend, there is no performance change! I did a little bit of investigation into how the two backends differ in the PTX (virtual NVIDIA GPU machine code) they cause to be generated, and it appears the OpenCL compiler is keeping certain 64-bit values around in registers for longer periods of time, while the CUDA compiler is more aggressive about recomputing them when needed. This is beyond what the Futhark compiler has any control over, which is a bit frustrating. I thought that NVIDIAs OpenCL and CUDA implementations where merely different front-ends to the same backend compiler, so I’m not sure why they would differ here. A similar phenomenon occurs for a few other benchmark programs.

Overall, there is no doubt that using 64-bit indexing slows down the generated code - it only becomes a question of how much. Perhaps we can recover some of the lost performance by various micro-optimisations, or passing different options to the GPU vendor compilers that ultimately generate the machine code. But at the end of the day, we are getting slower because we are doing more work with bigger data, and that has a cost. That cost will only increase as we gradually convert more of the compiler to use 64-bit sizes and indexes. This sucks, and has no immediate payoff, as all of our current workloads fit in 32 bits! But this is ultimately the right thing to do. However, I hope that the multicore CPU backend will allow someone to write a fun and motivating program that uses huge arrays, just so this work doesn’t feel exclusively like a slowdown for no practical advantage.