@inproceedings{10.1145/3412932.3412937, author = {Pawlak, Wojciech Michal and Elsman, Martin and Oancea, Cosmin Eugen}, title = {A Functional Approach to Accelerating Monte Carlo Based American Option Pricing}, year = {2021}, isbn = {9781450375627}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3412932.3412937}, doi = {10.1145/3412932.3412937}, abstract = {We study the feasibility and performance efficiency of expressing a complex financial numerical algorithm with high-level functional parallel constructs. The algorithm we investigate is a least-square regression-based Monte-Carlo simulation for pricing American options. We propose an accelerated parallel implementation in Futhark, a high-level functional data-parallel language. The Futhark language targets GPUs as the compute platform and we achieve a performance comparable to, and in particular cases up to 2.5X better than, an implementation optimised by NVIDIA CUDA engineers. In absolute terms, we can price a put option with 1 million simulation paths and 100 time steps in 17 ms on a NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU. Furthermore, the high-level functional specification is much more accessible to the financial-domain experts than the low-level CUDA code, thus promoting code maintainability and facilitating algorithmic changes.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages}, articleno = {5}, numpages = {12}, keywords = {high-performance computing, computational finance, parallel (GPU) programming, functional programming}, location = {Singapore, Singapore}, series = {IFL '19} }